Competition Ettiquet





It is the parent’s responsibility to enter their children in the competitions.  Avril will hand out/email the entry forms but you give it back to me together with the entry fee. If you are not sure how to fill out the entry form, please ask and we will help you.


a)   What to bring:                 

                                                small pins for the number

                                                chairs (if outdoor venue)


                                                clips/hair spray/gel (preferably Le Pebros)

                                                masking tape for hard shoes

                                                2 brooches for sash

b)  Your family will have to pay an entrance fee when they arrive and you will need to buy a programme so please bring money for this.

c)   You MUST arrive at least 30 minutes before the competition is due to start.

d)  Dress:       (is parents responsibility)   

Irish Dancing

  • studio dress with sash
  • Solo dresses for Ard Ghrad must be discussed with and agreed to by Gillian
  • white poodle socks
  • suitable underwear (dark or matching panties and sports bra)
  • hair tied back securely – half pony/ curly wig – no fringes (hair must not bounce up and down on the face while dancing)
  • Small tiaras are permissible
  • No watches or chains or ear rings
  • Hard and soft shoes which must be clean
  • Dresses may not be shorter that 10 cms above the knee
  • Dancers under 12 years old may not wear make up or false tan

Highland Dancing

  • Kilt
  • Bib or white dancing top
  • Jacket
  • Socks with garters
  • Black underwear
  • Hair in a secure bun
  • No watches or chains or earrings
  • Clean Highland Dancing shoes
  • Kilt to be no shorter than above knee


e)   Programme:  When you have bought your programme, make sure that you know which events you are dancing in and on which platforms.  It is your responsibility to get to the correct platform on time.  If you come late, you will not be allowed to dance.

f)    PLATFORMS:  Dancers usually dance 2 or 3 at a time on each platform.  Please make sure that you stand neatly on the platform and you may smile at the Adjudicator while she is writing down your numbers.  If you make a mistake – carry on!!!

g)   Warm up before the competition starts.

h)   Medals/Ribbons and trophies:  If you receive a medal or ribbon you must go to the medal table and give the person the event number.  She will then cross your name off the list and give you your medal/ribbon.  Some competitions hand out the medals on the stage.  You must be properly and neatly dressed to receive your medal and bow to the judges in the same way that we do at the end of our class.  If you receive a perpetual trophy, you must sign for it at the medal table, engrave it and hand it back when called for next year. NEW RULE AT IRISH SA CHAMPS:  A SEPARATE TABLE FOR FIRST PLACE WINNERS ONLY (Card to be taken to be stamped for grading purposes)


a)  It is good PR to thank the convenor before you leave.

b)  There will be a platform steward behind each platform.  They have an extremely difficult job – especially if there are a large number of competitors.  Please stand still and be quiet so that they can put you in your correct order

c)   Please treat other dancers with respect, whether successful in competition or not.

d)  Please ensure that you respect the authority of the Judges and other officials and treat them with respect.

e)   Dancers and parents should respect the competence of teachers and judges and should not engage in public criticism.

f)    Dancers and parents must maintain a high standard of personal behaviour with respect to dress, punctuality, preparation and contact with other dancers.  Unpleasant scenes bring the whole studio into disrepute.

g)   Please direct any questions or queries to me first and do not engage the convenor or her helpers in argument.

h)   Please clean up the area where you had been sitting when you leave.

i)     It is sometimes nice for our studio members to sit together to give each other moral support!  It is not permissible to share steps or choreography with dancers from another studio.

j)    The most important thing to remember is to love your dancing, enjoy yourselves and learn life skills whether you win or not.  Not everyone can win – that would be boring and defeat the object of “competition”!